I’M BACK!!!!


Today was an amazing day. I go to spend with it with a amazing friend who helped me chronicle my successes. I am grateful for him because he made me smile. A lot. It was an amazing day that I needed. I feel better about a lot of things. What amazing person. It takes an amazing person to bring amazing things out of me. Today I felt pretty and beautiful…Thank you LUIS!!!!!


I had to go grocery shopping for the first time in two weeks. I am so excited to be cooking at home. I love home cooked meals over eating out. Even though I was eating the best food available, it is still not the same as making it yourself. There is something therapeutic about cooking and eating the food you made. I am so excited to start cooking again and I don’t have to go anywhere for two weeks!!!


I also got back on the exercise bandwagon tonight. I did bodypump and worked out with my sister for an hour…running and lifting weights. My arms are shaking as I type this but it was good. Being out of the workout cycle for 2 weeks has really made it hard. I was losing weight during those two weeks because I was not eating enough food but now that I am working out again…I need to start focus on getting enough food in and the right mix of calories.  I finished the dirty girl run and now I have to focus on the next goal. The next work out goal will be one that involves steps.


Instead of having a ton of friends, I am realizing that having really close friends is all I need. When I was younger having more friends made you popular but not anymore. Having those you truly can call friends is important. I love my support circle now. It is filled with people who are there to support me and not bring me down. Those who want to bring down…I have news for you…I AIN”T GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!!

One thought on “I’M BACK!!!!

  1. Rosie March 26, 2013 at 8:20 pm Reply

    YOWZAAA you look beautiful. This has to be my fav pic of all. I love it “i aint got time for that” you said it beauy

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